Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Boy of the Week - Dave Franco

The best way to forget about the dumb boys...
Find out if they have a hotter brother.
Dave Franco: Hotter (younger) brother of James Franco.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Advice of the Day

#3 If you want to see it, its there. If you just search long enough You'll find it. It just doesn't always mean its real.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Ask the Expert

Last time I was with this boy I like we talked about doing something over the weekend but didn't set firm plans, how long should I wait before contacting him?

If you like the boy why are you waiting to call or text? The "2 day rule" is STUPID. If you really like someone there's no reason to wait. Call him! Secure the next date! Don't be needy by texting all the time but if you have a reason to contact someone.. just do it! Don't sit around waiting for your life to happen. So if there's a boy you like and you want to make plans to see him again call or text him now. Right now! Don't even finish reading this blog (you can do that while you wait for him to call or text you back.. oh yeah and if he doesn't right away refer to Advice of the Day #2 "If he doesn't text you back right away don't jump to conclusions... he's probably just pooping.")

Advice of the Day

#2 If he doesn't text you back right away don't jump to conclusions... he's probably just pooping.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Advice of the Day

#1 Boys are so dumb.

Boy of the Week - Zac Efron

The best way to forget about the dumb boys...
appreciate the hot ones.